Escape from Tarkov Wiki

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Escape from Tarkov Wiki

This is a documentation page. Meta-template used for constructing infobox templates. Infoboxes are fixed-format tables designed to be added to the top right-hand corner of articles to consistently present a summary of the article content.

Up to 40 rows in as many groups with up to 4 columns each are supported. Every row can have a varying number of columns and groups can be made collapsible. Specific conditions can be specified for each row. In addition, the template supports up to 5 images in the main image area and dynamically calculates the appropriate width/height for each image.


|games              ={{{games|}}}
|title              ={{{name|}}}
|subtitle           ={{{subtitle|}}}
|supertitle         =example
|supertitle link    =examples
|icon               ={{{icon|}}}
|main image1        ={{{image|}}}
|main image1 size   ={{{image size|}}}
|main image desc    ={{{image desc|}}}
|footer             ={{{footer|}}}
|group1             ={{{group1|}}}
|label1-1           ={{{label1|}}}
|content1-2         ={{{content1|}}}

Most of the parameters should usually be passed down from the "end" infoboxes (i.e. the ones directly used in articles).

General explanations

  • A given row can contain either a group, an image or content and label cells; these 3 options are mutually exclusive. For example, if you specify group1, image1 and label1-1, only group1 will be shown. Order of priority: group > image > label > content.
  • The layout for each row is generated automatically based on which cells are specified in the row itself and in the group it belongs to. It is possible to have rows with different column counts within the same group; the cells in the row with less columns will then span multiple columns, depending on exactly which columns are used in this row.
    For example, if one row in a given group has 4 columns and another has only 2, the layout of the second row will vary depending on which columns are used:
    • If the first and the last cell are used, the first cell (of the second row) will span columns 1, 2 and 3 (of the first row).
    • If the first and the second cell were used, the second cell will span columns 2, 3 and 4.
    • If the first and the third cell were used, the first cell will span columns 1 and 2 while the second cell will span columns 3 and 4.


Terms used in the parameter descriptions:

  • |example = value
    Defined and not empty: A parameter is "defined and not empty" if it has been set to any value. In the example on the right, the parameter example is defined and not empty.
  • |example =
    Defined and empty: A parameter is "defined and empty" if it is present on the page but has been set to no value. In the example on the right, the parameter example is defined and empty.
    Defined and not empty: A parameter is "undefined" if it is not present on the page. In the example on the right, the parameter example is undefined.
  • |example = @word
    Magic word: Magic words are terms which - when set as a parameter value - have a special effect. They are usually prefixed with an "@" in order to differentiate them from normal parameter values. In the example on the right, the parameter example is set to the magic word "@word".

OptionalIcon optional
cond1 up to cond40

Condition for corresponding row. If a cond is defined and empty, the row is not shown. If a cond is defined and not empty, the row is shown. If a cond is undefined, the row is shown based on the default for its row type:

  • group rows: Only displayed if group is defined, not set to "@hide" and there are rows shown (not only specified) in the group.
  • image rows: Only displayed if image is defined and not set to "@hide".
  • content/label rows: If the row contains content cells, it is shown if at least one of the content cells is defined, not empty and not set to "@hide". If the row contains only label cells, it is shown if at least one of the label cells is defined, not empty and not set to "@hide".
OptionalIcon optional

Column widths in percent, separated by commas (e.g. "50, 50"). Only applied to groups where the number of specified widths matches the number of columns in said group (e.g. if two widths are specified, only groups with two columns will be affected); for groups with more or less columns, the default widths are used.

OptionalIcon optional
colwidths0 up to colwidths40

Column widths in percent, separated by commas (e.g. "50, 50"). Only applied if the number of specified widths matches the number of columns in the group; otherwise colwidths (if that has a matching number of widths) or default widths are used. Overrides general colwidths parameter for the specific group.

OptionalIcon optional
content1-1, content1-2, content1-3, content1-4 up to content40-1, content40-2, content40-3, content40-4

Content of corresponding cell. The first number in the parameter name indicates the row and the second number stands for the column (numbered from left to right).

Magic words:

  • @hide: If all defined content cells in a row are set to "@hide", the row is not shown regardless of other conditions or options.
OptionalIcon optional
content1-1 tooltip up to content40-4 tooltip

Tooltip for corresponding cell, i.e. text which is displayed if a reader moves his/her mouse over the cell.

OptionalIcon optional

Text of the footer, i.e. a row at the very bottom of the infobox.

OptionalIcon optional

Game abbreviation(s). Under normal circumstances, this doesn't need to be used. Multiple abbreviations can be specified if separated by comma (,). These are used to create dynamic links for supertitle. For usage details, please see supertitle link below.

OptionalIcon optional
group1 up to group40

Content of corresponding cell, with the number indicating the row.

Specifying a group row creates a new group (and a header), and all rows below it belong to that group until another group field is specified. For example, if you set group1, content2-1, image3, group4 and label5-1, row 2 & row 3 belong to group 1 and row 5 belongs to group 4.

All rows above the first specified group belong to group 0. For example, if you set image1, content2-1, image3, group4 and label5-1, row 2 & row 3 belong to group 0 and row 5 belongs to group 4.

Magic words:

  • @hide: Creates a group without a visible header.
OptionalIcon optional

File name of icon (without "File:"), i.e. the small image which is displayed in the top right corner of the main image area.

OptionalIcon optional
(default: "0px")
icon offset

Offset for icon in pixels, i.e. the icon is moved "upwards" by the specified amount of pixels. The maximum value is "icon size-specified height + 5".

Magic words:

  • @outside: Icon is placed completely outside (above) the main image area.
OptionalIcon optional
(default: "30x30px")
icon size

Size of icon in pixels. If no height/width is specified or the specified value exceeds the limit of 40px, the default icon height/width is used.

OptionalIcon optional
image1 up to image40

File name of image (without "File:") to be displayed in corresponding cell, with the number indicating the row. If an image has been specified but has not been filled in, an "upload image" button will be displayed instead, prompting users to upload an image with a pre-defined file name (see image# default).

Magic words:

  • @hide: Hides the image (or "upload image" button) regardless of other conditions or options.
OptionalIcon optional
(default: "{{PAGENAME}} #.jpg")
image1 default up to image40 default

The file name (without "File:") which is suggested when uploading an image via the "upload image" button in the corresponding cell. It is recommended to make this depend on {{PAGENAME}}.

OptionalIcon optional
image1 desc up to image40 desc

Description for the corresponding image, displayed below the image.

OptionalIcon optional
image1 size up to image40 size

Size for corresponding image in pixels. If the width of the image exceeds infobox width, the default width is used instead.

OptionalIcon optional
label1-1, label1-2, label1-3, label1-4 up to label40-1, label40-2, label40-3, label40-4

Content of corresponding cell. The first number in the parameter name indicates the row and the second number stands for the column (numbered from left to right).

Magic words:

  • @hide: If there are only label cells defined in a given row and all of these are set to "@hide", the row is not shown regardless of other conditions or options.
OptionalIcon optional
label1-1 tooltip up to label40-4 tooltip

Tooltip for corresponding cell, i.e. text which is displayed when a reader moves his/her mouse over the cell.

OptionalIcon optional
(default: "2")
main image columns

Maximum amount of main images displayed per row. If the number of specified main images exceeds this value, a second (and if necessary, a third/fourth/fifth) row is created. For example, if main image columns is set to "3" and there are 2 main images, they will be displayed in one row; if there are 4 main images, the 4th image will be displayed in a second row.

OptionalIcon optional
(default: "{{PAGENAME}}.jpg")
main image default

The file name (without "File:") which is suggested when uploading an image via the "upload image" button in the main image area. It is recommended to make this depend on {{PAGENAME}}.

OptionalIcon optional
main image desc

Description for the main image area, displayed below the images.

OptionalIcon optional
main image1 up to main image5

File name(s) of main image(s) (without "File:"), i.e. the images displayed directly below the infobox title. If more than one image is used, they are displayed in a configurable amount of rows (see main image columns) and their default sizes are adapted accordingly. If no main image has been specified, an "upload image" button will be displayed instead, prompting users to upload an image with a pre-defined file name (see main image default). options can be used to disable the "upload image" button.

Magic words:

  • @hide: If all defined main image parameters are set to "@hide", the main image area (or "upload image" button) is not shown regardless of other conditions or options.
OptionalIcon optional
(default: "size main images/number of images")
main image1 size up to main image5 size

Size for corresponding main image. By default, this size depends on the number of specified main images and the amount of main image columns. If the combined width of all main images exceeds infobox width, images which are bigger than the default are reduced to default width.

OptionalIcon optional

This parameter allows to specify options which apply to the infobox itself or all groups inside. Multiple options can be specified at once; simply separate them with commas (,).

Available choices:

  • collapsedgroups: This makes all groups within the infobox collapsible and collapsed on page load. Can be overriden for individual groups by setting the group-specific option parameter (see below) to "uncollapsed".
  • collapsiblegroups: This makes all groups within the infobox collapsible and uncollapsed on page load. Can be overriden for individual groups by setting the group-specific option parameter (see below) to "nocollapse".
  • imageoptional: If set, having no main image specified will not result in an "upload image" button being displayed.
OptionalIcon optional
options0 up to options40

This parameter allows to specify options which apply to the corresponding group of rows. For example, options4 applies to all cells which belong to group4. Multiple options can be specified at once; simply separate them with commas (,). Group-specific options override options set for the whole infobox.

Available choices:

  • collapsible, nocollapse, uncollapsed: These options control the collapse behaviour of the group. They are mutually exclusive.
    • collapsed means the group is collapsible and collapsed on page load.
    • collapsible/uncollapsed mean the group is collapsible and uncollapsed on page load.
    • nocollapse means the group is not collapsible. This is the default setting.
OptionalIcon optional
(default: "(width-10) x (width-10)px")
size images

Default size in pixels for images in image rows. If the specified width exceeds infobox width, the default width is used instead; if no height is specified, the default height is used instead.

OptionalIcon optional
(default: "(width-10) x (width-10)px")
size main images

Size of main image area in pixels, i.e. the total space available for all main images. This is used as basis for calculating the default width of the individual main images. If the specified width exceeds infobox width, the default width is used instead; if no height is specified, the default height is used instead.

main image# size overrides this default for the corresponding image.

OptionalIcon optional
sort key

Sets the sort key, i.e. the term the page is displayed under on category pages ({{DEFAULTSORT:}}).

OptionalIcon optional

Text in small font below infobox title.

OptionalIcon optional

Text in small font above infobox title. Supertitles can be created dynamically by using the games parameter. For details, see supertitle link below.

OptionalIcon optional
supertitle link

This parameter links the supertitle to an overview page (like Weapon). When used in conjunction with the games parameter, it can be used to dynamically create links to game-specific overview pages (like weapons).

This is useful if an infobox template is used for multiple games and you want it to link to the correct overview pages depending on which game it is used for. For example, setting supertitle to "weapon" and supertitle link to "weapons", you can then let the editor in the respective article specify the games parameter and it will link to the correct overview page (e.g. "3 weapons" if the editor enters "FO3").

OptionalIcon optional
(default: "{{Pagename nd}}")

Main title/"headline" of the infobox. By default, the name of the current page without any disambiguation suffixes (i.e. terms in brackets at the end) is used.

OptionalIcon optional
(default: "270px")

Width of the infobox in pixels. In order to achieve a standardized look across all infoboxes, infoboxes should only be resized if absolutely necessary .

Style parameters

All style options should be used sparingly as they can lead to visual inconsistencies. Some examples of useful styles:

  • Changing background color: background-color: #123456; (accepts HTML color names or RGB hex triplets)
  • Changing (horizontal) text-alignment: text-align: center; (accepts "center", "justify", "left", "right")
  • Changing vertical text-alignment: vertical-align: middle; (accepts "bottom", "middle", "top")

OptionalIcon optional
content1-1 style up to content40-4 style

Specifies CSS styles to apply to the corresponding content cell. For example, content10-3 style applies to the cell of content10-3 etc.

OptionalIcon optional
footer style

Specifies CSS styles to apply to the footer cell.

OptionalIcon optional
group1 style up to group40 style

Specifies CSS styles to apply to the corresponding group cell. For example, group6 style applies to the cell of group6 etc.

OptionalIcon optional
icon style

Specifies CSS styles to apply to the icon.

OptionalIcon optional
image1 style up to image40 style

Specifies CSS styles to apply to the cell with the corresponding image. For example, image9 style applies to the cell of image9 etc.

OptionalIcon optional
label1-1 style up to label40-4 style

Specifies CSS styles to apply to the corresponding label cell. For example, label20-4 style applies to the cell of label20-4 etc.

OptionalIcon optional
main image1 style up to main image5 style

Specifies CSS styles to apply to the corresponding main image. For example, main image3 style applies to main image3 etc.

OptionalIcon optional

Specifies CSS styles to apply to every cell in the whole infobox except for the title cell.

OptionalIcon optional
style0 up to style40

Specifies CSS styles to apply to all cells within the corresponding group of cells. For example, style3 applies to all cells which belong to group3 etc.

OptionalIcon optional
style contents, style groups, style images, style labels, style main images

Specifies CSS styles to apply to all cells of a certain type. For example, style contents applies to all content cells and so forth.

OptionalIcon optional
style contents0 up to style contents40, style images0 up to style images40, style labels0 up to style labels40

Specifies CSS styles to apply to a certain type of cells within the corresponding group of cells. For example, style contents5 applies to all content cells which belong to group5 etc.

OptionalIcon optional
title style

Specifies CSS styles to apply to the title cell.



Label 1-1Content 1-2
Label 3-1Content 3-2
|main image1        =Wiki.png
|main image1 size   =100x100px
|label1-1           =Label 1-1
|content1-2         =Content 1-2
|image2             =Wiki.png
|label3-1           =Label 3-1
|content3-2         =Content 3-2

Infobox with groups

Group 1
Label 2-1Content 2-2
Group 3
Label 4-1Content 4-2
|main image1        =Wiki.png
|main image1 size   =100x100px
|group1             =Group 1
|label2-1           =Label 2-1
|content2-2         =Content 2-2
|group3             =Group 3
|label4-1           =Label 4-1
|content4-2         =Content 4-2

Infobox with multiple columns

Label 1-1Content 1-2Content 1-3Content 1-4
Content 2-1Content 2-3
|main image1        =Wiki.png
|main image1 size   =100x100px
|label1-1           =Label 1-1
|content1-2         =Content 1-2
|content1-3         =Content 1-3
|content1-4         =Content 1-4
|content2-1         =Content 2-1
|content2-3         =Content 2-3

Infobox with collapsible groups

Group 1
Label 2-1Content 2-2
Group 3
Label 4-1Content 4-2
|options            =collapsiblegroups
|main image1        =Wiki.png
|main image1 size   =100x100px
|group1             =Group 1
|label2-1           =Label 2-1
|content2-2         =Content 2-2
|group3             =Group 3
|label4-1           =Label 4-1
|content4-2         =Content 4-2

Infobox with collapsible and non-collapsible groups

Group 1
Label 2-1Content 2-2
Group 3
Label 4-1Content 4-2
|options            =collapsiblegroups
|main image1        =Wiki.png
|main image1 size   =100x100px
|group1             =Group 1
|label2-1           =Label 2-1
|content2-2         =Content 2-2
|group3             =Group 3
|options3           =nocollapse
|label4-1           =Label 4-1
|content4-2         =Content 4-2

Infobox with multiple main images

Label 1-1Content 1-2
Label 2-1Content 2-2
|options            =collapsiblegroups
|main image1        =Wiki.png
|main image2        =Wiki.png
|main image3        =Wiki.png
|main image4        =Wiki.png
|main image5        =Wiki.png
|label1-1           =Label 1-1
|content1-2         =Content 1-2
|label2-1           =Label 2-1
|content2-2         =Content 2-2

Infobox with all main images in one row

Label 1-1Content 1-2
Label 2-1Content 2-2
|options            =collapsiblegroups
|main image1        =Wiki.png
|main image2        =Wiki.png
|main image3        =Wiki.png
|main image4        =Wiki.png
|main image5        =Wiki.png
|main image columns =5
|label1-1           =Label 1-1
|content1-2         =Content 1-2
|label2-1           =Label 2-1
|content2-2         =Content 2-2


|games              ={{{games|}}}
|title              ={{{name|}}}
|subtitle           ={{{subtitle|}}}
|supertitle         =
|supertitle link    =
|icon               ={{{icon|}}}
|icon offset        ={{{icon offset|}}}
|main image1        ={{{image|}}}
|main image1 size   ={{{image size|}}}
|main image2        ={{{image2|}}}
|main image2 size   ={{{image2 size|}}}
|main image3        ={{{image3|}}}
|main image3 size   ={{{image3 size|}}}
|main image4        ={{{image4|}}}
|main image4 size   ={{{image4 size|}}}
|main image5        ={{{image5|}}}
|main image5 size   ={{{image5 size|}}}
|main image desc    ={{{image desc|}}}
|footer             ={{{footer|}}}
|group1             =
|label1-1           =
|content1-2         ={{{|}}}
|group2             =
|label2-1           =
|content2-2         ={{{|}}}
|group3             =
|label3-1           =
|content3-2         ={{{|}}}
|group4             =
|label4-1           =
|content4-2         ={{{|}}}
|group5             =
|label5-1           =
|content5-2         ={{{|}}}
|group6             =
|label6-1           =
|content6-2         ={{{|}}}
|group7             =
|label7-1           =
|content7-2         ={{{|}}}
|group8             =
|label8-1           =
|content8-2         ={{{|}}}
|group9             =
|label9-1           =
|content9-2         ={{{|}}}
|group10            =
|label10-1          =
|content10-2        ={{{|}}}
|group11            =
|label11-1          =
|content11-2        ={{{|}}}
|group12            =
|label12-1          =
|content12-2        ={{{|}}}
|group13            =
|label13-1          =
|content13-2        ={{{|}}}
|group14            =
|label14-1          =
|content14-2        ={{{|}}}
|group15            =
|label15-1          =
|content15-2        ={{{|}}}
|group16            =
|label16-1          =
|content16-2        ={{{|}}}
|group17            =
|label17-1          =
|content17-2        ={{{|}}}
|group18            =
|label18-1          =
|content18-2        ={{{|}}}
|group19            =
|label19-1          =
|content19-2        ={{{|}}}
|group20            =
|label20-1          =
|content20-2        ={{{|}}}
|group21            =
|label21-1          =
|content21-2        ={{{|}}}
|group22            =
|label22-1          =
|content22-2        ={{{|}}}
|group23            =
|label23-1          =
|content23-2        ={{{|}}}
|group24            =
|label24-1          =
|content24-2        ={{{|}}}
|group25            =
|label25-1          =
|content25-2        ={{{|}}}
|group26            =
|label26-1          =
|content26-2        ={{{|}}}
|group27            =
|label27-1          =
|content27-2        ={{{|}}}
|group28            =
|label28-1          =
|content28-2        ={{{|}}}
|group29            =
|label29-1          =
|content29-2        ={{{|}}}
|group30            =
|label30-1          =
|content30-2        ={{{|}}}
|group31            =
|label31-1          =
|content31-2        ={{{|}}}
|group32            =
|label32-1          =
|content32-2        ={{{|}}}
|group33            =
|label33-1          =
|content33-2        ={{{|}}}
|group34            =
|label34-1          =
|content34-2        ={{{|}}}
|group35            =
|label35-1          =
|content35-2        ={{{|}}}
|group36            =
|label36-1          =
|content36-2        ={{{|}}}
|group37            =
|label37-1          =
|content37-2        ={{{|}}}
|group38            =
|label38-1          =
|content38-2        ={{{|}}}
|group39            =
|label39-1          =
|content39-2        ={{{|}}}
|group40            =
|label40-1          =
|content40-2        ={{{|}}}


  • This template is fairly complicated. Editing it requires a good understanding of parser functions and wiki syntax.
  • Auxiliary templates:
  • Extensions used:
  • Standardized documentation for templates based on this one:
    • {{Infobox/doc/standard}}